Dark respiration
Dark respiration is the light-independent phase of photosynthesis, during which plants and other organisms use the chemical energy of ATP and NAD(P)H formed during light-dependent phase to convert carbon dioxide and into carbohydrates or sugars.
Dark respiration can be measured with the Oroboros O2k.
Dark respiration measurements are possible with all O2k-Packages. For small sample amounts consider using the O2k-sV-Module.
Doerrier C, Garcia-Souza LF, Krumschnabel G, Wohlfarter Y, Mészáros AT, Gnaiger E (2018) High-Resolution FluoRespirometry and OXPHOS protocols for human cells, permeabilized fibers from small biopsies of muscle, and isolated mitochondria. Methods Mol Biol 1782:31-70. -»Bioblast link«