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Spare parts & consumables

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O2-Zero Powder, dithionite (Na2S2O4), for zero-oxygen calibration of the POS. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service Kit. Note: The import of chemicals (in powder form) to Egypt is subject…
The O2k-Chamber, made of polished Duran® glass, has 16 mm inner diameter with a standard operation volume (V) of 2 cm3 (2 mL). Compare: small chamber volume of 0.5 mL…
O2k-Chamber Holder (blue POM) for PVDF or PEEK stoppers (2-mL O2k-chamber), with O-ringViton18x2 mm and V-ring30-35-4.5 mm. Two units of this item are standard components mounted on the O2k-Main Unit.
O2k-Chamber Holder sV (black POM) for PVDF or PEEK stoppers (0.5-mL O2k-chamber), with O-ringViton16x2 mm and V-ring30-35-4.5 mm. Two units of this item are standard components in theO2k-sV-Module.
O2k-Chamber sV: 12 mm inner diameter, Duran® glass polished, with standard operation volume (V) of 0.5 cm3 (0.5 mL). Two units of this item are standard components of the O2k-sV-Module.
O2k-Fuse Power PlugM2.5 A5x20 mm: This item is a standard component of the O2k-Assembly Kit, mounted on the socket for the O2k-Main Power Cable, at the rear panel of the…
O2k-Main Power Cable for use with 120 V outlets in the United States and Canada. This item is standard component of the O2k-Assembly Kit.
O2k-Main Power Cable for use with 230 V outlets in the Australia and New Zealand. This item is standard component of the O2k-Assembly Kit.
O2k-Main Power Cable for use with 230 V outlets in the Europe. This item is standard component of the O2k-Assembly Kit. Use 21111-01 O2k-Main Power Cable230 VEurope (Hybrid German/French plug CEE 7-7…
O2k-Window Frame: blue POM, with thread for fixation on the O2k-Main Unit of O2k-Series D-G, to be removed only for rare cleaning purposes or for front fixation of the Fluorescence-Control…

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