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Spare parts & consumables

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O2k-Window Tool for removing the blue O2k-Window Frame from the O2k-Main Unit, for rare cleaning purposes and for front fixation of the Fluorescence-Control Unit. This item is a standard component of…
The OroboPOS is a polarographic oxygen sensor (POS), with an amperometric mode of operation. The OroboPOS meets the highest quality criteria in terms of linearity, stability and sensitivity of the…
OroboPOS-Connector (blue POM) links the OroboPOS sensor head and O2k-Main Unit. The cable connects at the OroboPOS with a male connection and a male plug fits into O2k-Main Unit. Two units…
PackingO2k-Box 1: for shipment of the O2k-Main Unit, with polystyrene inlets. Keep the original packing material safely stored, for any future shipping purposes of the O2k-Main Unit.
PackingO2k-Box 2, for shipment of accessories
The PhotoBiology Light Source is a main component of the O2k-PB-Module and provides an external light source. It consists of one LED  and one photodiode mounted on the PBLS head…
The PhotoBiology Light Source is a main component of the O2k-PB-Module and provides an external light source. It consists of one LED  and one photodiode mounted on the PBLS head…
The PhotoBiology Light Source is a main component of the O2k-PB-Module and provides an external light source. It consists of one LED  and one photodiode mounted on the PBLS head…
pH-Glass electrode with BNC plug. Two pH electrodes are included in the O2k-pH ISE-Module.
PipettePlastic1 mL ungraded, for filling the POS reservoir with electrolyte. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service Kit.

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