Private: Spare parts

Spare parts & consumables

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Plunger10 mm3 for Microsyringe10 mm3 51/0.13 mm, spare. 3 included in the O2k-Titration Set
Polishing Cloth for cathode cleaning. Replace the Polishing Cloth at intervals. A two-year interval may be considered in cases of intensive use. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service…
Polishing Powder 0.05 μm for polishing and cleaning of O2k-Q-Module glassy carbon and platinum electrodes. This item is a standard component of the O2k-Q-Module. Note: The import of chemicals (in powder form)…
Polishing Powder 0.3 μm for cathode cleaning. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service Kit and the O2k-Q-Module Note: The import of chemicals (in powder form) to Egypt is subject…
POS-Electrolyte Powder (746 mg) is dissolved in 10 ml distilled water to yield a 1 M potassium chloride (KCl) solution. This item is a standard component of the POS-Service Kit. Note: The…
The POS-Holder, made from blue POM, is screwed into the copper block of the O2k-Main Unit, guiding the guiding the SmartPOS (or OroboPOS-Connector with the OroboPOS sensor head) to the…
POS-Holder sV, made from black POM, to be screwed into the copper block of the O2k-Main Unit, guiding the SmartPOS (or OroboPOS-Connector with the OroboPOS sensor head) to the O2k-Chamber…
POS-Membrane Ring, PEEK, holds the membrane against the inner O-ring on the POS housing. For shipment in the the POS-Membrane Ring is not attached to the POS. It can be…
POS-Membranes, FEP 25 µm; 40/Pck. Two packages of this item are standard components of the POS-Service Kit
The POS-Mounting Tool for application of POS-Membranes consists of two parts, (i) the membrane guide (larger diameter) and (ii) the membrane ring holder with O-ringViton6x1 mm to hold the POS-Membrane…

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