Private: Spare parts

Spare parts & consumables

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Smart Fluo-Sensor Green: Excitation LED 525 nm (dominant wavelength) with short pass filter, emission (red) with long pass filter, individual sensors are calibrated with sensor-specific memory and direct input into…
The SmartPOS is a polarographic oxygen sensor (POS), with an amperometric mode of operation. It meets the highest quality criteria in terms of linearity, stability and sensitivity of the signal…
Stirrer-Bar sVwhite PVDF11.5x6.2 mm, operated in the O2k-Chamber sV at constant stirring speed (standard is 750 rpm, or 12.5 Hz), to provide optimum mixing of the sample in the aqueous…
DISCONTINUED The Stirrer-Barblack PEEK15x6 mm is for specific applications with light guides to minimize optical interference. This product was replaced by Stirrer-Barblack PVDF15×6 mm.
The Stirrer-Barblack PVDF15x6 mm, for 2-mL O2k-Chamber, designed for specific applications with light guides to minimize optical interference, is supplied in a box of 2. The black PVDF stirrer bars have a…
The Stirrer-Barwhite PVDF15x6 mm operates in the 2-mL O2k-Chamber at constant stirring speed (standard is 750 rpm, or 12.5 Hz) to provide optimum mixing of the sample in the aqueous…
Stopper sVblack PEEKconical Shaftcentral Port: with conical shaft and one central capillary (with PTFE, graphite, carbon fiber). Two units of this item are standard components of the O2k-sV-Module.
Stopper-Needle: Short needle for bubble extrusion from port of the ISE-stopper
The Stopper-Spacer (or gas spacer) is used to set the O2k-Stopper into a standard position for a fixed gas phase above the aqueous phase in the O2k-Chamber, during air calibration…
Stopperblack PEEKangular Shaftside+6.2+2.6 mm Port, for application with ISE; side titration port and two additional holes (6.2 mm and 2.6 mm); angular bottom. Two stoppers are included in O2k-TPP+ ISE-Module.

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