Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue

Product ID: 44222-01

Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue: Excitation LED 465 nm (dominant wavelenght) with short pass filter, emission (red) with long pass filter, individual sensors are calibrated with sensor-specific memory and direct input into DatLab 7 to obtain reproducible light intensities with different sensors, including photodiode, Filter-Cap equipped with Filter Set Saf for measurement of mitochondrial membrane potential with safranin and rhodamine 123. Filter Set MgG / CaG for Magnesium Green® and Calcium Green® measurements are included.

Two units of this item are standard components of the NextGen-O2k Fluo, O2k-Fluo, and O2k-Fluo Smart-Module. Smart Fluo-Sensors can be used with NextGen-O2k Series XB and higher and O2k-Series H and higher.

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Smart Fluo-Sensor Blue

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