O2k-Support from the experts

Support information

Getting Oroboros Support from the experts is easy. Choose the option below that best meets your needs.

O2k-Open Support icon

Find answers

We value giving our customers access to answers. Whether you need to look up a term, or help running maintenance on your instrument, our Bioblast Open Support pages have you covered.

In addition to manuals, procedures and even video support, you will also find published questions and answers from previous customer contact with our expert technical support.


O2k-Tech Support icon

Contact support

If you are unable to find the solution on our Bioblast resource page, you can ask one of our experts through our Technical Support. Simply click the link and fill out the form. Be sure to read our open support policy below.

Before contacting Technical Support, we suggest running these two tests to answer the questions:

  1. Does your O2 sensor function properly?
    Oxygen sensor test
  2. Is your Oroboros Chamber tight?
     Oroboros Chamber test
O2k-Repairs icon


Hardware problems may require replacement of a defective spare part. Some electronic or mechanical defects may be solved only by repair of the Oroboros in the electronics workshop of Oroboros Instruments, e.g., a defective Peltier unit.

A cost estimation for repair of the Main Unit due to an electronic or mechanical defect can only be given after inspection of the Oroboros in our electronics workshop in Austria. Once a cost estimation has been provided, the repair is carried out with the customer’s consent.

O2k-Open Support icon

Find anwers

We value giving our customers access to answers. Whether you need to look up a term, or help running maintenance on your instrument, our Bioblast Open Support pages have you covered.

In addition to manuals, procedures and even video support, you will also find published questions and answers from previous customer contact with our expert technical support.

O2k-Tech Support icon

Contact support

If you are unable to find the solution on our Bioblast resource page, you can ask one of our experts through our Technical Support. Simply click the link and fill out the form. Be sure to read our open support agreement below.

Before contacting Technical Support, we suggest running these two tests to answer the questions:

  1. Does your O2 sensor function properly?
    Oxygen sensor test🡕
  2. Is your Oroboros Chamber tight?
    Oroboros Chamber test🡕
O2k-Open Support icon


Hardware problems may require replacement of a defective spare part. Some electronic or mechanical defects may be solved only by repair of the Oroboros in the electronics workshop of Oroboros Instruments, e.g., a defective Peltier unit.

A cost estimation for repair of the Main Unit due to an electronic or mechanical defect can only be given after inspection of the Oroboros in our electronics workshop in Austria. Once a cost estimation has been provided, the repair is carried out with the customer’s consent.

Oroboros Open Support aims at sharing our support communication openly with the scientific community. Technical and scientific questions, which are not yet addressed in the available guidelines or are difficult to trace on our website, are relevant to many specialists and beginners in the field. Therefore, we would like to publish your latest question and example files on our Bioblast website, so that others can benefit too. You can decide which files and if your name, institution and email address are included.

*Please note that regular consultancy fees might apply, should you request experimental design or data interpretation support.

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